Transformation Blog

How to Select the Right Team for Your Global Business Services (GBS): Tips and Strategies.

Picture of Krzysztof Herdzik

Krzysztof Herdzik

GBS/SSC/BPO Practicioner


When setting up or expanding a shared service centre (SSC), one of the most important decisions you will make is who to put on your team. It’s essential to select the right people for the job, as they will be responsible for ensuring the success of your SSC. This blog post will discuss tips and strategies for selecting the right team for your shared service centre.

Selecting the right team is critical for shared service centres. As shared services evolve and take on new functions, leadership needs to keep pace with this ever-changing landscape by hiring people who can handle these changes. Leaders must also understand each team member’s skills and how they can be utilized to achieve the shared service’s goals.

When putting together your team, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

Look for individuals with shared service experience and various business acumen.

When looking for team members, seeking out individuals with shared service experiences is important. This will ensure that they understand the complexities of shared services and know how to navigate through them. In addition, look for candidates with business acumen. This is essential to make sound decisions that will impact the bottom line.

Hire people with the right skillsets and experience.

When hiring people for shared services teams, look for candidates with skillsets and experience that align with shared service objectives. The ideal candidate will have a mix of technical skills and knowledge of shared service processes and procedures. They should also possess strong communication abilities to effectively collaborate within their team or across departments/functions, which are common challenges shared services leadership encounters today.

Make sure your team is culturally aligned.

One of shared service leaders’ biggest challenges is ensuring that their team is culturally aligned with the rest of the organization. This can be difficult, but it’s essential to success. When looking for team members, try to find individuals already familiar with your company culture and values. This will help them integrate more easily into the team and avoid any cultural clashes down the road.

Consider the skill set of each team member and how they can be best used within the shared service centre.

When putting together your team, it’s important to consider each member’s skill set and how they can be best used within the shared service centre. For example, if you are looking for a candidate with experience in process improvement, make sure that a position within your team will allow them to use those skills. Or, if you need someone with strong technical skills, look for candidates with experience in systems implementation or data management.

Promote career growth opportunities for employees who want to move into leadership roles within the shared service centre.

One of the benefits of shared services is that they offer employees opportunities for career growth. Many team members will want to move into leadership roles within the shared service centre, and it’s important to provide them with the training and development needed to make this happen. By promoting career growth opportunities, you are retaining talented employees and ensuring that your shared service centre has a strong leadership pipeline in place.

Look for individuals with good communication skills.

When looking for team members, seeking out individuals with strong communication skills is important. This is essential to collaborate effectively within their team or across departments/functions. Good communication skills will also help employees to understand the shared service centre objectives and how they can contribute to achieving them.

Operating well in the corporate matrix structure is a key success factor for each leader in Shared Service Center

One of shared service leaders’ biggest challenges is ensuring that their team is aligned with the matrix organization structure. This can be difficult, but it’s essential to success. When looking for team members, try to find people who are already familiar with how your company operates within its corporate matrix and understand how shared services fit into this environment.

A shared service centre’s success hinges on its leadership quality.

Shared services centres are often under pressure from executives who want results quickly without understanding how shared resources work within an organization’s structure; as a result, there may be times when shared services leaders have to manage difficult situations while communicating clearly why shared services are necessary and important within the organization.

When selecting shared services leadership candidates, look for people with strong communication skills and an ability to motivate others through change or challenging situations.

Have sales type of leaders in your Shared Service Centers!

Shared services leaders must have sales skills and experience to sell shared services to their customers (internal or external). They need a strong understanding of the shared service centre’s capabilities and how they can be used by different departments/functions within an organization. This will help them clearly communicate why shared resources are necessary for business success and give them credibility when selling shared services internally or externally.

The final decision on who to put on your shared services team lies with leadership. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that you’re making the best decisions possible for the success of your SSC.

For more information on shared services and how to select the right team for your shared service centre, contact us at We would be happy to help!

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